16 September 2024
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Changes to procedural rules of local council and executive committee: tips for starostas Changes to procedural rules of local council and executive committee: tips for starostas
Institution of starostas brings authorities closer to people, - Vyacheslav Nehoda Institution of starostas brings authorities closer to people, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Online forum for starostas: topicality level of discussed issues increases Online forum for starostas: topicality level of discussed issues increases
First 2018 issue of “Radnyk Starosty” newspaper appeared (+electronic version) First 2018 issue of “Radnyk Starosty” newspaper appeared (+electronic version)
Ways and reasons to establish agricultural cooperative within starosta district Ways and reasons to establish agricultural cooperative within starosta district
Starosta’s role in hromada life: experience of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Starosta’s role in hromada life: experience of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Starostas of Poltava Oblast are studying best practices of largest AHs in Ukraine Starostas of Poltava Oblast are studying best practices of largest AHs in Ukraine
Assignment of ranks to local self-government officials: what should starostas know? Assignment of ranks to local self-government officials: what should starostas know?
Provision of free-of-charge legal aid by starosta – expert explanation Provision of free-of-charge legal aid by starosta – expert explanation
Termination, change and abolishment of decisions of local self-government body - expert clarifications Termination, change and abolishment of decisions of local self-government body - expert clarifications
Online forum for starostas becomes platform for sharing experience Online forum for starostas becomes platform for sharing experience
10 AHs will hold elections of starostas in early 2018 10 AHs will hold elections of starostas in early 2018
Starosta-“yard keeper” instead of innovator impedes AH development Starosta-“yard keeper” instead of innovator impedes AH development
Fresh issue of “Radnyk Starosty” newspaper appeared (+electronic version) Fresh issue of “Radnyk Starosty” newspaper appeared (+electronic version)
More than 100 representatives of amalgamated hromadas communicate at online forum for starostas More than 100 representatives of amalgamated hromadas communicate at online forum for starostas