Online forum for starostas: topicality level of discussed issues increases

The number of participants of the online forum for starostas is increasing. 197 starostas from 23 oblasts (except the Rivne Oblast, where there are 19 elected starostas and 69 acting starostas) have already registered. The level of topicality of issues raised by starostas for discussion is also increasing.

"The topicality level of the issues lately raised for discussion at the forum is much higher than at the beginning of its functioning. At the same time, the number of issues to be discussed by starostas should, in my opinion, be greater. If there is a question or need to clarify the issue already under discussion, then discuss it, do not expect that someone else will do it, and you will read the answers later, not demonstrating your ignorance on some issues. It is impossible to learn all at once, because learning is a process of constant accumulation of knowledge. The statement "the one, who knows little, asks a lot", was, perhaps, invented by a person not really willing to learn something. I am convinced that if you follow the principle of "the one, who asks a lot, receives lots of answers", it will increase not only the productivity of the discussions themselves, aimed at a joint search for solutions to the issues under discussion, but also the level of research skills and creative potential of each participant in such discussions," noted Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, moderator of the forum and expert adviser of the DESPRO project on issues of starostas’ activity and hromadas’ cooperation.

We would like to remind you that you can find explanations and tips based on the analysis of the issues for discussion and their expert generalisations within the forum in the ANALYTICS section.

As it is known, in total 640 starostas were elected and 1819 acting starostas are currently working in AHs.

Those not registered in the forum can do this HERE.

Online forum for starostas, acting starostas and representatives of executive committees of amalgamated hromadas was elaborated at the initiative of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO).

15.03.2018 - 09:27 | Views: 13842
Online forum for starostas: topicality level of discussed issues increases


starosta DESPRO


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