07 March 2025
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The starosta is a leader enjoying support from the village community. He/ she is a new official in the local self-government, a new institution established for the purpose of ensuring that the interests of all residents of villages within the amalgamated territorial communities are represented properly. So that social, housing and other needs of the rural residents are met. So that the local problems are resolved promptly, openly, clearly...

The starosta shall be elected for a period of five years; he/ she shall sit on executive committee representing interests of the village residents and shall act as communication link between the authorities and the village community.

The starosta shall have his official place in the territory of the starosta's circuit where he has been elected. He shall have clear work schedule convenient for the residents. He shall arrange for any events in the village, monitor problematic issues of the community, and make suggestion on their resolution.

Also, the starosta shall be responsible for the community participation in passing resolutions, work with public associations.

The starosta shall have both the powers as set forth by the state (prescribed in the Laws "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" and "On Voluntary Amalgamation of Territorial Communities"), and the powers granted by the community council (determined in the Amalgamated Community Charter and in the Regulation on a Starosta as approved by the local council).
