Changes to procedural rules of local council and executive committee: tips for starostas


Author: Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, expert adviser of the DESPRO project on starosta’s activity and hromadas’ cooperation

The procedural rules of the council and executive committee of the council (hereinafter referred to as the Procedural Rules) are local normative and legal acts. They are developed on the basis of the current legislation of Ukraine and determine the procedure for organising the work of the council, the executive committee for the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine", "On Service in Local Government Bodies", "On the Status of Deputies of Local Councils" and other legal acts. They also regulate the decision-making procedure, mechanisms for implementing organisational, material and technical support of the council and its executive bodies, etc.

The need to amend the Procedural Rules may be related to:

  • entry into force of laws that have changed and supplemented the current legislation on local self-government issues;
  • entry into force of some AH decisions (e.g. changes and additions to the Charter or the Hromada, Regulation on Starosta or approval of the new edition);
  • need to improve the existing procedures and mechanisms envisaged by the Procedural Rules.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


starosta starosta analytics DESPRO Oleksandr Vrublevskyi


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