Online forum for starostas becomes platform for sharing experience

Over the first three months of the online forum operation, more than 130 starostas from 22 oblasts of Ukraine have already registered there. We hope that in the nearest future the forum will attract attention of starostas from the Kyiv and Rivne Oblasts who have not yet become its participants.

“The forum is developing and it is filled with topical issues. For the most part, they relate to the service in local self-government bodies, particularities of fulfilling separate duties by starosta, admission of citizens, assistance in resolving disputes, etc. I hope the forum participants will be more actively involved in answering the questions. It is important that they receive not only theoretical knowledge and explanation, but also exchange their experience,” said Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, forum moderator, DESPRO expert consultant on starostas’ activities and cooperation of amalgamated hromadas.

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