How hromadas of Zhytomyr Oblast plan to benefit from tourism

On 6 August, the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre hosted the Zhytomyr Oblast Travel Market Fair, where specialists from nine AHs of the oblast presented new tourist routes for tour operators and representatives of travel companies from the region and Kyiv city.

“Hromadas began to consider tourism as an opportunity to earn profits. And for this purpose they are ready not only to say that they have tourist sites, but also to take concrete steps to develop tourism infrastructure and attract tour operators and tourists,” said Heorhii Fedoruk, regional development adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

The initiator of the fair, the Zhytomyr LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine, together with its partners – NGO “Zhytomyr Tourism Association” and the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration – will continue to work with hromadas in the field of tourism development. In particular, the AHs, elaborating development strategies, held joint training and practical events, took part in study trips and workshops.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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Житомирська область


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