Decentralisation is underway and the first prefects can appear next year

Decentralisation has not been completed in Ukraine yet. An efficient power system has certain standards, envisaged by the European Charter of local self-government, being an integral part of the Ukrainian legislation. Up to last year the power system of Ukraine did not comply with the Charter, currently it is on the basic level and not 100 %. On the level of rayons and oblasts, our local self-government and executive power system contradicts the international standards. That is why it will be possible to complete decentralization provided efficient administration is introduced at all levels.

It was claimed by deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during the VI-th Forum «Efficient local administration as a precondition of a democratic and law-governed state».


Constitution V.Nehoda Vitalii Bezghin


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