In 2023, decentralization will continue, - Denys Shmyhal

Decentralization reform will continue in 2023. It is about introducing the institute of prefects — officials who will carry out administrative supervision on the ground. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said this during the Government meeting on January 3.

“Prefects are non-political persons who will represent the state and monitor the constitutionality of decisions made on the ground. Our model is based on the best European experience, which has proven its effectiveness. After the end of martial law, there will be time for changes to the Constitution, which will finalize the decentralization reform. As a result, we will get a balanced, effective and European management system with capable municipalities,” as quoted by Government Portal.

03.01.2023 - 21:13 | Views: 2653
In 2023, decentralization will continue, - Denys Shmyhal


prefect Denys Shmyhal Constitution


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