Amending the Constitution of Ukraine will guarantee the decentralization imminence. As a result, municipality residents will become the final beneficiaries of the reform. It was claimed by the Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov.
«Decentralisation is mainly aimed at creating necessary conditions for the local development and local economies. Currently we are striving for people in municipalities to become final beneficiaries of the reform. For this, it is necessary to amend the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation. The amendments will be the basis for the reform imminence locally», — claimed Oleksiy Chernyshov.
According to the head of the MinRegion, provided the amendments are approved of, part of articles of the Fundamental Law will get a new wording.
«The essential novelties include positioning municipalities as new administrative and territorial units and establishing prefectures instead of local state administrations. Prefect’s powers will be balanced, they won’t be entitled to terminate local self-government regulations without a court decision, will be state servants and will be appointed for three years, based on the competition outcomes», — emphasized Oleksiy Chernyshov.
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