18 October 2024

Session of the council

is a set of plenary meetings of the council, as well as meetings of its standing commissions.

Standing commissions of the council

are the bodies elected from among council members to study and prepare the issues that fall within their jurisdiction for preliminary consideration; retain control over the implementation of decisions by the council.


is a local self-government official in villages forming part of an amalgamated hromada. A village head is voted during elections and declared by the decision of the amalgamated hromada’s council.

Starosta’s scope of responsibility

includes representing the interests of villagers and settlement residents in the executive bodies of the village, settlement or city council; assisting villagers, settlement residents in preparing documents submitted to local self-government bodies; participating in the development of the draft budget for the hromada in terms of financing the programmes implemented in the territory of the respective village or settlement; making proposals to the executive committee of the village, settlement or city council on the issues related to the activity of executive bodies of the village, settlement, city council, enterprises, institutions, communal organisations and their officials in the territory of the respective village or settlement; carrying out other duties specified in the Regulations on Starostas.

State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD)

is a state-guaranteed financial support for regional development projects and programmes. Distribution of funds between regions is based on a clear formula, according to the number of inhabitants of the region and GDP per capita. Projects applying for the support are placed on an online platform and selected on the basis of an open competition. In the regions, the relevant commissions are established to select projects and submit them to the Government for approval.


is the principle for the organisation of state governance when issues are resolved at the level where it is most effective.

Subventions to amalgamated hromadas for infrastructure development

refer to a state-guaranteed financial support to infrastructure development projects for amalgamated hromadas. In 2016, the State Budget allocated UAH 1 billion. The subventions were distributed among the amalgamated hromadas according to a clear formula dependent upon the number of the rural population and the area of ​​the hromada. In 2016, the subvention was distributed among 159 amalgamated hromadas: from UAH 957 thousand to the smallest amalgamated hromada up to UAH 23.2 million for the largest one. In 2017, UAH 0.5 billion were included into the budget from the general fund of the state budget and UAH 1 billion – from the special fund.