16 March 2025
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Парламент та місцеве самоврядування: основні тези відкритого діалогу про майбутнє Парламент та місцеве самоврядування: основні тези відкритого діалогу про майбутнє
Up-to-dating school canteens: the procedure and conditions for the subvention in the amount of UAH 1,5 billion have been approved Up-to-dating school canteens: the procedure and conditions for the subvention in the amount of UAH 1,5 billion have been approved
375 municipalities were involved in the strategic planning last year 375 municipalities were involved in the strategic planning last year
Legislative novelties in the sphere of local economic development have been discussed in Poltava Legislative novelties in the sphere of local economic development have been discussed in Poltava
School meals reform: how municipalities can get funds to redesign food units School meals reform: how municipalities can get funds to redesign food units
Strategic planning of municipality development: guidelines have been prepared Strategic planning of municipality development: guidelines have been prepared
This year 6 ASCs will be financed from the State Fund for Regional Development for the amount of UAH 147 million – a list of ASCs This year 6 ASCs will be financed from the State Fund for Regional Development for the amount of UAH 147 million – a list of ASCs
The MinRegion has prolonged a competitive selection of regional development projects to be funded by the EU for two weeks The MinRegion has prolonged a competitive selection of regional development projects to be funded by the EU for two weeks
New Rayons in Ukraine – video commentaries New Rayons in Ukraine – video commentaries
The distance for people to cover to obtain services will decrease twice or thrice — the minister’s councilor on forming rayons (audio) The distance for people to cover to obtain services will decrease twice or thrice — the minister’s councilor on forming rayons (audio)
Who are the new rayons for? Myths and reality of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine Who are the new rayons for? Myths and reality of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine
A new administrative and territorial arrangement: abstracts of the open discussion A new administrative and territorial arrangement: abstracts of the open discussion
Decentralisation: between the truth and alleged threats Decentralisation: between the truth and alleged threats
Decentralisation Digest at the RADA TV Channel: Hromadas are not just a matter of positions held, hromadas are a matter of management quality, service provision quality Decentralisation Digest at the RADA TV Channel: Hromadas are not just a matter of positions held, hromadas are a matter of management quality, service provision quality
On the 120 allegedly liquidated amalgamated hromadas by the numbers, facts and common sense On the 120 allegedly liquidated amalgamated hromadas by the numbers, facts and common sense