A new administrative and territorial arrangement: abstracts of the open discussion

A new administrative and territorial arrangement: abstracts of the open discussion

Prior to the important parliament voting for the new rayons formation and liquidation people’s deputies must be aware that their vote will define if our country will exist in the governing chaos for at least five years more or we will finally form the basis for the decentralized powerful Ukraine development.

It was covered by participants of the open dialogue with the local self-government and members of the general public, held as an online-conference, entitled: «A New Administrative and Territorial Arrangement of Ukraine: Myths and Reality».

«Perhaps not all decisions on the new rayon division meet my personal expectations but all of them have been discussed and not a single decision has been occasional. No matter how effective or ineffective the new rayons configuration is, it is sure to be a step further, whereas a voting failure is a leap backward as it is impossible to build an up-to-date state on the ruins of the existing rayon division», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.


rayon V.Nehoda Vitalii Bezghin I.Koliushko I.Lukerya Larysa Bilozir


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