Up-to-dating school canteens: the procedure and conditions for the subvention in the amount of UAH 1,5 billion have been approved

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the procedure and conditions for the subvention in the amount of UAH 1,5 billion, targeted to purchasing equipment and up-to-dating food units at schools. To get the funds regions and municipalities have to prepare quality projects, meeting the demands of the new technological cycle of cooking meals. It was said by Ivan Lukerya, deputy Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

«School canteens must be modern, light and barrier-free as children’s health starts from healthy meals. That is why the school meal reform, implemented in the country under the auspice of the First Lady Olena Zelenska, is complex: not just the school menu is being changed but the whole food unit is also undergoing changes for demands of the new technological cycle of cooking meals to be met and for pupils to enjoy staying at comfortable and safe canteens — with the proper lighting and air-conditioning, modern furniture and without any barriers for disabled kids and other handicapped groups», — emphasized Ivan Lukerya.

16.02.2022 - 15:03 | Views: 5128
Up-to-dating school canteens: the procedure and conditions for the subvention in the amount of UAH 1,5 billion have been approved


education I.Lukerya



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