Zhytomyr Oblast’s hromadas can receive support from U-LEAD with Europe Programme in waste management

In Zhytomyr the U-LEAD with Europe Programme presented a project “Improving the quality of waste management services at the municipal level in AHs” for representatives of amalgamated hromadas, NGOs, mass media and scientists.

“This project is being implemented in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr and Volyn Oblasts for 30 AHs, which we are still selecting. It envisages training of AH specialists in terms of the main aspects and approaches in the field of solid waste management and providing support in the development of action plans to manage and facilitate intermunicipal cooperation in this area,” said Tetyana Anishchuk, deputy director of the project.

The initiative is also aimed at organising awareness-raising activities for citizens and relevant stakeholders at local, regional and national levels. Duration of the project: October 2018 - October 2019.

To participate in the competitive selection, please fill out the application form and send it by 15 October (inclusive) to the e-mail address: sergiy.ponomarov@giz.de. 30 AHs will be shortlisted to participate in the project.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

11.10.2018 - 16:24 | Views: 10341
Zhytomyr Oblast’s hromadas can receive support from U-LEAD with Europe Programme in waste management

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