Association of AHs appealed to the CEC to urgently consider appointing elections in amalgamated hromadas

The Association of Local Self-Government Bodies “Association of Amalgamated Hromadas”, in view of the artificial stermination of the appointment of the first and additional local elections in AHs by the previous membership of the Central Election Commission, addressed an open letter to the newly formed Central Election Commission with a persistent request to urgently consider the appointment of local elections in amalgamated hromadas.

The letter says that 133 AHs are ready for the first elections of local heads and deputies. These AHs include 569 hromadas – village, settlement, city councils. There are also 60 hromadas waiting for the elections to join 41 already established AHs. More than 1,5 million residents of these hromadas are waiting for changes in living standards.

The letter can be downloaded at the link.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


09.10.2018 - 17:06 | Views: 12179
Association of AHs appealed to the CEC to urgently consider appointing elections in amalgamated hromadas


elections CEC


Асоціація об'єднаних територіальних громад

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