Draft law on amendments to the Constitution in terms of decentralisation is included in the Parliament’s agenda (+DOCUMENT)

Draft law on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (in terms of decentralisation of power) is included to the agenda of the 9th Parliamentary session, announced Ruslan Knyazevych, head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy and Justice, in response to a letter from the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, developed on the demand of the 17th Resolution of the All-Ukrainian Seminar Meeting for representatives of local self-government bodies, that expressed support for top-priority decentralisation acts.

Thus, according to the Parliamentary Resolution on the agenda of the 9th session as of 18 September, an important decentralisation draft law has to be considered.

It should be mentioned that in order to support changes to the Constitution of Ukraine, at least 300 deputies must cast their votes. As of today, the draft law is pre-approved, taking into account the opinion of the Constitutional Court.

If the draft law is adopted, the prefect’s position will be introduced, executive committees will be established under oblast and rayon councils, and the administrative-territorial structure will consist of a hromada, rayon, region.







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