Establishment of 8 new AHs is being finalised in Zhytomyr Oblast

As per July 20, 8 hromadas in Berdychiv, Chudniv, Ruzhyn and Zhytomyr Rayons in Zhytomy Oblast finished their discussions and decided to establish AHs.

“The process of establishment of AHs in Zhytomyr Oblast is being finalized step by step. Since the beginning of this year we have triggered the establishment of 8 AHs. Presently, discussions are still under way regarding the possible creation of AHs in Andrushivka, Chernyakhiv, Malyn, Korosten, Novohrad-Volynskyi and Korostyshiv Rayons”, said Sergiy Romanovych, decentralisation  advisor of Zhytomyr LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

20.07.2018 - 15:00 | Views: 12448

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amalgamation of hromadas


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