Processes of accession to established AHs activated in Vinnytsia Oblast

More hromadas of the Vinnytsia Oblast become initiators of accession to the already established AHs, and this is not a surprise, as amalgamated settlements show good results. The Babchynetska AH of the Chernivtsi Rayon is among these AHs. Following the invitation of the hromada of the village of Moyivka, located next to Babchyntsi, a group of experts from the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre came to hold an information and consultative meeting with villagers.

The active members of the hromada in the village of Moyivka, village council deputies and representatives of the Vinnytsia LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme: Oleh Levchenko, director of the Centre, and Inna Sviatna, local finance expert, gathered for the educational discussion on accession of settlements to the AH.

“35 AHs have been formed in the Vinnytsia Oblast, and not all of them amalgamated according to the plan. The Kalynivska and Studenianska hromadas made a decision and took on responsibilities, so today they are successful territories. They have Administrative Service Centres, Rural Health Posts, optimised education systems, roads, kindergartens, landscaping. The very important point is that everything is settled not in Kyiv, but on the ground, in the hromada. Another issue is capability, where there is a personal income tax, there can be development, however, there are schools financed in the amount of UAH 78,000 per student – it is extremely inefficient. AHs receive infrastructure subvention, and in future it will be harder to get, so the hromada must become strong as soon as possible. The Charter states the purposes the funds are used for, and decisions are made with the participation of representatives of the population. No time to wait, it is necessary to do something now, because tomorrow will mean in 3 years. It is difficult to create happiness for everyone at once, but the state helps those moving forward,” said Oleh Levchenko, director of the Vinnytsia LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.07.2018 - 09:26 | Views: 11827
Processes of accession to established AHs activated in Vinnytsia Oblast

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amalgamation of hromadas accession


Вінницька область


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