Several more AHs may appear in Ukraine’s largest rayon

So far, only one amalgamated hromada has been established in large Hlobyne Rayon in the Poltava Oblast. In 2015, the first elections were held and the AH with its centre in the city of Hlobyne was formed. Nowadays, the Hlobynska urban AH is one of the leaders in the Ukrainian rating of financial capability of AHs by many indicators, which once again confirms the potential of the chosen development path. Three more financially capable AHs are expected to appear on the territory of Ukraine's largest rayon. However, this process is hinderedby either the political or personal ambitions of the leaders, or the conflict of interests of agricultural holdings and passive attitude of the residents. The situation has improved considerably over the past few weeks. This happened after the Poltava Oblast State Administration received an instruction from the Cabinet of Ministers to update the perspective plan. Public opinion surveys are ongoing to determine the configuration of new amalgamated hromadas and accession of settlements to existing AHs.

At the invitation of Vadym Danylevskyi, head of the Hlobyne Rayon State Administration, experts of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, joined the process of intensifying the decentralisation reform in the rayon.

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03.07.2018 - 13:13 | Views: 14334
Several more AHs may appear in Ukraine’s largest rayon


amalgamation of hromadas


Полтавська область


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