Modern sports complex opened in Mykolayivska AH

A solemn opening of the sports and recreation complex “Enerhetyk” took place in the centre of the Mykolayivska urban AH. The modern sports facility was built at the expense of PJSC “Donbasenerho”, and its total cost amounted to about UAH 58 million.

“Today the new sports complex can be considered the most advanced in the Donetsk Oblast, and we hope that new sports stars will be raised here. We want every visitor of this complex to find a kind of sports after his/her heart,” said Volodymyr Mytsyk, director of the oblast department of family, youth and sports.

The sports and recreation complex “Enerhetyk” of the Mykolayivska AH will provide football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, boxing, judo, sambo, and aikido classes. The swimming pool allows to conduct training in swimming, synchronised swimming and water polo. In addition to sports classes, there are massage room, fitness room, a children's room and many other premises for a healthy lifestyle.

According to Maksym Tkach, adviser to the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the experience of the Mykolayivska AH is a good example of using not only hromada or state funds for the construction of facilities, but also attracting sponsors and investors, especially internal ones.

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02.07.2018 - 12:49 | Views: 13362
Modern sports complex opened in Mykolayivska AH

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Донецька область


Миколаївська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Миколаївська територіальна громада


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