Economic strategy as key to sustainable development of territories

A group of representatives of the LGDC, local self-government bodies and regional development agencies from Ukrainian oblasts, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, made a study visit to the Republic of Poland. The group was joined by Yuriy Voitsitskyi, regional development adviser of the Vinnytsia LGDC.

According to Yuriy Voitsitskyi, the success and development of territories depends on solving the basic task of ensuring sustainable economic development. He spoke about the peculiarities of developing strategies in neighbouring Poland on the example of one voivodship, noting that, in general, the principles are the same throughout the country:

- The regional and local authorities in Poland make the most effort for the development of the economy and stimulate business activity of the working population.

- Because of the high level of migration, the local authorities of Trójmieście (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot) invest a lot of money (mainly from the EU programmes + 15% of their own contribution) into local projects promoting the youth to stay and invest their potential in the development of their own region after finishing their studies.

- Pomorze maximises the use of its territorial benefits, especially the proximity to the Baltic Sea.

- Implementation plan of the Pomorze Development Strategy consists of six strategic regional programmes on economic development, business and public activities, transport capacity development, energy and environment, cultural and tourism attractiveness, and healthcare.

- Public involvement in the process of developing strategic planning documents is maximised.

- In rural areas, great importance is given to the preservation of the environment and introduction of energy-saving technologies.

- Most commercial enterprises in the Pomeranian Voivodeship have set up work hours from 7:00 till 16:00, while the state institutions operate from 8:00 or 9:00 to 17:00 or 18:00.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.07.2018 - 12:37 | Views: 8337
Economic strategy as key to sustainable development of territories

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