Government directed UAH 142 million for establishment of Transparent Offices in cities and AHs

On 28 March, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the allocation of subvention from the state budget to local budgets for a total amount of UAH 142.7 million to carry out works related to the establishment and provision of functioning of administrative service centres, including social services, within the Transparent Office format.

Adoption of the relevant regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine provides the opportunity to establish and ensure the operation of Transparent Offices in 8 cities and 8 amalgamated hromadas of different regions of Ukraine.

The implementation of this regulation, after its approval by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget, will facilitate the high-level provision of services in the sphere of social protection of the population, without queues and within the timeframe established by the legislation.

28.03.2018 - 16:15 | Views: 15887
Government directed UAH 142 million for establishment of Transparent Offices in cities and AHs


Administrative services


Урядовий портал

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