The first amalgamated hromada formed in the Romny Rayon is waiting for the elections on 29 April 2018.
The hromada united 13 surrounding villages located in the south of the Romny Rayon: Andriyivka village council – 420 inhabitants (villages of Andriyivka and Kholodnyk),
Andriyashivka village council – 2,040 inhabitants (villages of Andriyashivka, Hudymy, Lutsenkove, Melnyky, Novytske)
Vasylivka village council – 522 inhabitants (villages of Vasylivka, Bratske, Chyste),
Perekopivka village council – 1142 inhabitants (villages of Perekopivka, Burbyne and Hubske).
The AH area is 217.93 square km.
According to the calculation of the hromada’s financial capacity, the AH budget will make up UAH 15.5 million of own revenues. The land use tax is the main budget-filling source.
The process of amalgamation was not easy. There were several options. After days of discussions, the Andriyashivka residents realised that decentralisation was primarily aimed at bringing administrative services closer to the population, so it was decided to make smaller, but self-sufficient hromadas.
The residents of the hromada have jointly defined the hub educational institution – Andriyashivka general school of the I-III degrees. The building is intended for 360 children and is the largest school in the AH. According to the calculations, the hromada will receive UAH 7.5 million of educational subvention. Some educational institutions are to be optimised after the election process.
The hromada also agreed upon the hub healthcare institution - the Perekopivka outpatient clinic.
The AH is considering all options for cooperation, in particular, it plans to conclude intermunicipal cooperation agreements. The hromada is actively studying the experience of other AHs in various areas of life, asks them for help and plans to take over several successful projects, such as the ASC construction in the Krasnopilsks AH.
It is also worth noting that this is just the beginning of the process of this AH establishment, in accordance with the perspective plan for the formation of capable hromadas of the Sumy Oblast, other village councils will be able to join it in future.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Сумська областьГромади:
Андріяшівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Андріяшівська територіальна громадаSource:
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