Libraries in hromadas: experience and advice on network updating

The “Bibliotechna Krayina” (“Library Country”) Foundation will present a study on the status of library networks in amalgamated hromadas of the Ternopil Oblast and practical models for reforming the system of public libraries, including the UK experience and successful projects of individual AHs of Ukraine.

“Reform of the System of Public Libraries in Ukraine: Experience of the UK and Pilot Projects of Amalgamated Hromadas” covers the following topics:

  • Current state of the network of public libraries in Ukraine: common European context
  • Comparison of the network of public libraries in Ukraine and the United Kingdom
  • Public libraries in the UK today: sociological aspect
  • Functioning of public libraries: the Isle of Wight, the UK
  • Future of public libraries in Ukraine: a strategy for change
  • Attempts to solve the problem: pilot project for the reform of the library system in the Terebovlyanska AH
  • Step forward – mobile library service.

“State of library networks in amalgamated hromadas of the Ternopil Oblast” demonstrates the basic statistical indicators of the state of libraries in the Pidvolochyska, Terebovlyanska and Shumska hromadas, analyses the material and technical situation, distribution of funds by expenditure items, number and quality of book funds, level of information technology implementation, work schedules and forms of activity of libraries, as well as suggestions for improvement of the situation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.03.2018 - 16:04 | Views: 15897
Libraries in hromadas: experience and advice on network updating


culture libraries


БО "БФ "Бібліотечна країна"

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