Koryukivka municipality in Chernihiv oblast returns to normal life after deoccupation with the support of U-LEAD



Koryukivka municipality was one of the first to meet the occupiers and demonstrated a powerful movement of resistance. Local residents blocked the roads and stopped the tanks with bare hands. At the beginning of April, the Ukrainian Armed Forces drove out the Russian army, and Koryukivka municipality began to recover and return to normal life. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme helped this hromada, said Koryukivka City Mayor Ratan Akhmedov.

According to him, as a result of the invasion, Koryukivka municipality was basically cut off from other territories of Ukraine for 41 days. The occupiers destroyed bridges and roads, and the only way out was through the zone of active hostilities.

Because of this, the municipality had to use available resources. In particular, the local government launched a bread factory that stopped a few years ago and united the efforts of farmers.

“We managed to relaunch a breadmaking plant that stopped operating several years ago. In the neighboring municipality, the work of the cheese factory was resumed. Local farmers got to work. The most difficult situation was, probably, with medicines. Medications in the greatest demand disappeared from the shelves in the first days. And it turned out that someone had enough medicines, while the other did not have them at all. Therefore, we delivered everything necessary across the river – by boats”, Ratan Akhmedov recalls.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces entered the territory of the hromada on April 5. The mayor calls this day the happiest in his life. After the liberation of the region, the municipality residents took up the task of restoring the destroyed buildings and improving the operation of local businesses. U-LEAD with Europe played an important role in this efforts.

“When the occupiers were kicked out, the work on the restoration of Ukraine began. By February 24, we really wanted to develop infrastructure facilities. Of course, the war crossed out all plans, and such projects are practically not financed today, because the funds are directed to the defense sector. That's why we addressed U-LEAD. First of all, regarding the installation of backup power supply units for critical infrastructure facilities», adds the mayor.

Koryukivka municipality is one of 333 ones that received emergency aid packages from U-LEAD based on their urgent needs. In particular, the municipality received “Repair” and “Lighting” aid packages, which include generators, cutting machines, chain saws, cutting discs and chains, wheel loaders and a lighting pole. This made it possible to unblock the roads, restore the operation of critical infrastructure facilities and provide electricity to rural areas.

“Thanks to this assistance, in particular, we were able to relaunch operation of the local water supply and maintenance enterprise and restore water supply to areas where the occupiers damaged pipelines. In addition, preparations for the winter period are already underway, and here this equipment plays an equally important role. And, of course, clearing debris on the roads. A powerful resistance movement was formed in our hromada, which did everything possible to prevent the movement of Russian equipment. And all the debris blocking the roads was also removed due to U-LEAD," says Mr. Akhmedov.

Today, the municipality continues to gradually return to normal life. Local entrepreneurs are resuming their work, and hromada residents are doing everything they can to get rid of everything reminding of the occupation period. The mayor is convinced that all hromada’s plans and projects will be implemented after the victory of Ukraine.


war stories international support


Чернігівська область


Корюківська територіальна громада


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