There is a proposition to make the e-form of the materials of the State Fund of Land Tenure Documents and Land Assessment. Local self-government assistance is needed

The StateGeoCadastre suggests that local self-government bodies should consider the possibility of ensuring making the e-form of part of the documents of the State Fund of Land Tenure Documents and Land Assessment. These documents are necessary for the routine activities of the local self-government bodies.

According to the StateGeoCadastre, due to its territorial bodies’ structure improvement, staff redundancy and changes of the administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine, materials, included into the local funds of documents on land tenure and assessment, are being transferred to the centres of consolidated rayons. There is also a proposition to ensure the centralized documentation preservation in oblast centres and in the city of Kyiv.

26.01.2022 - 17:00 | Views: 4072
There is a proposition to make the e-form of the materials of the State Fund of Land Tenure Documents and Land Assessment. Local self-government assistance is needed


land spatial planning


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