Transparency of the local self-government: the Parliament committee has supported bill №6401

On January, 26 the Parliament committee on the public authorities’ organization, local self-government, regional and urban development recommended that the Verkhovna Rada should approve bill №6401 on amending the Law of Ukraine On Local Self-Government in Ukraine in terms of ensuring transparency of local self-government in principle.

«Transparency may soon become a synonym of local self-government, and not of the certain council, permanently entering top-rates but of all of them, in every nook of the country. The document expands the norms concerning transparency of local councils and executive committees for the municipalities», - commented the bill author, people’s deputy Roman Lozynskyi.


26.01.2022 - 16:43 | Views: 4790
Transparency of the local self-government: the Parliament committee has supported bill №6401


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