Decentralisation participants’ trust and cooperation – a development precondition of municipalities and the whole country: international forum theses

On December, 10, the international forum «Enhancing municipal cooperation between EU and Ukrainian municipalities», organized by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, was held in Kyiv.

During the event, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda emphasized:

«I’d like to thank U-LEAD with Europe for having been working over solving common tasks beyond the Government activity programme in terms of local self-government development. It is of vital importance for us to support municipalities, especially those having been deprived of the work experience under the new conditions – with wider powers and greater resources. Such municipalities comprise more than a half of 1470 municipalities, established in Ukraine. They need support by both the state and international partners. It is important for municipalities of Ukraine to get a better experience of EU municipalities and additional knowledge for the purpose of further application in their activity. Development aspects, where EU partner municipalities’ experience may be useful for Ukrainian municipalities, are getting acquainted with a better system of management and service system in municipalities. It is particularly topical in such spheres as education, health care, social issues, communal property and land resources management, strategic planning and residents’ involvement, as well as attracting investment and development opportunities».


international support V.Nehoda


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