UAH 187,7 million of subventions have been included in the state budget for the next year, aimed at developing 150 complex municipality spatial development plans. Municipalities will be able to use the funds if they have quality tasks for such plans to be developed. The HOVERLA USAID Project is currently focused on the maximum assistance for municipalities-partners in it.
That is why on December, 8 and 9 the HOVERLA USAID held trainings «Procedural and methodological decisions of the preliminary stage of a developing complex municipality spatial development plan» in Lviv and Lutsk. The training involved 61 representatives of the municipalities-partners, including architects, surveyors, project managers, deputy heads and municipality heads. Supported by trainers, teams of participants were developing a draft decision of the local council on developing a complex municipality spatial development plan, defining the major steps for efficient coordination of the working group, analyzing its territories and creating possible development scenarios.
Next week the HOVERLA USAID Programme team will hold such a training for municipalities-partners in Poltava.
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