In 2022 municipalities will get the record support from the state to develop infrastructure, — Oleksiy Chernyshov

Next year Ukrainian municipalities will get the record state budget support for their own and infrastructure development, particularly, UAH 132 billion, envisaged by Law of Ukraine On the State Budget for 2022. It was claimed by Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov during the meeting of the Executive Board of the Association of Ukrainian Cities.

«Besides own income increase, next year municipalities will get the record state budget support. In particular, the Regional Development Foundation will amount to over UAH five billion. Almost UAH nine billion will be allotted for infrastructure projects as well as social and cultural facilities development. More than UAH twenty-four billion will be allotted for local road development and repairs, as well as communal streets and roads. We are doing what has been failed by others – developing a successful state from within, from the farthest nook to the very heart of it. It is of vital importance as each municipality development means the general development of the country», — emphasized Oleksiy Chernyshov.


10.12.2021 - 14:21 | Views: 5164
In 2022 municipalities will get the record support from the state to develop infrastructure, — Oleksiy Chernyshov

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Oleksii Chernyshov budget



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