Hromadas should involve experts of agricultural sector development, - the Ministry of Economy

The Ministry of Economy suggests that hromadas should have a staffing position of a specialist of the agricultural development and rural territories development. The Ministry is ready to organize training such specialists so as to arrange cooperation and efficient communication about establishing entrepreneurship in villages, family farms – new jobs - with their help.

Taras Vysotskyi, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Development told the Decentralisation about it.

«Currently the state is doing its outmost to support the creation of new jobs – family farms, entrepreneurship in villages. For such programmes to work, efficient cooperation and communication at the local level are necessary. Hromada specialists of the agricultural development are being integrated into the national farmers’ cooperation network, now there are tens of thousands of them. They will be able to arrange communication on the key issues – land, tax ones, issues of the state support of farmers, collaboration with donor projects. People, willing to run their own business in the country, will have good assistants, represented by such specialists», - said Taras Vysotskyi.



23.11.2020 - 15:25 | Views: 6637
Hromadas should involve experts of agricultural sector development, - the Ministry of Economy


amalgamation of hromadas


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