Only 38 days are left before the New Year’s Eve! When will the Law, urgently needed by the local self-government, come into force?

A week has already passed since the Parliament voted for Bill №3651-d On Amending some Enactments of Ukraine on Harmonising certain Issues of Organisation and Functioning of Local Self-Government Bodies and Rayon State Administrations (№3651-d). The document is vital for the newly-elected local self-government bodies, mainly, hromadas and rayons, to be able to start working efficiently. In theory the bill was to have been passed prior to the local elections for the newly-elected heads and deputies to have a clear action algorithm under the local and rayon councils’ reorganisation conditions.

But the bill was passed on November, 17 !!!

In October on air of the Ukrainian radio the executive director of the Association of AHs Oleksandr Slobozhan said that «the procedure of reorganisation had to be completed by the local councils before January, 1, 2021 року, and to be started in November. As if it wasn’t done, functioning of 353 ASCs would be blocked, but for citizens it meant obtaining various administrative services: documents execution and re-execution, filing documents for land, to get subsidies and priviledges, allocated by the state».

23.11.2020 - 13:34 | Views: 16405
Only 38 days are left before the New Year’s Eve! When will the Law, urgently needed by the local self-government, come into force?


law zakonoproekty obhovorennia O.Slobozhan


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