Odesa Oblast: fifth potential amalgamated hromada approved by Odesa Oblast State Administration this month

The Odesa Oblast State Administration has approved the conclusion on the conformity of the draft decisions made by local councils with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine concerning the voluntary amalgamation of the Ivanivka settlement and Baranove, Bilka, Buzynove village councils in the Ivanivka Rayon. The new AH will unite 15 villages and one urban-type settlement, which is the rayon centre of Ivanivka.

According to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, this is the fifth potential amalgamated hromada having received a positive conclusion from the oblast state administration during the last month. The Andriyevo-Ivanivska hromada from the Mykolayivka Rayon and the Chohodarivska, Petrovirivska and Staromayakivska hromadas from the Shyriayeve Rayon had received the appropriate documents before.

It is worth mentioning that 32 amalgamated hromadas have been already established in the Odesa Oblast.


amalgamation of hromadas


Одеська область


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