Attention! Hromadas have time until 15 August to apply for housing subvention for orphans

The Government of Ukraine has published the Procedure and Terms for providing subventions from the state budget to local budgets in 2019 that are meant to finance development, construction, repair works as well as purchase of housing and space for the development of family-based and other forms of childcare similar to family conditions as well as to provide housing to orphans, children living without parental care and other persons with this status (see the Procedure here). The Procedure was approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 616 of 26 June 2019.

The main innovations are the following:

The children living without parental care received the right to housing.

The children received the right to get monetary compensation for acquiring proper housing.

The local self-government authorities independently determine a custodian of the subvention

The local commission under the Executive Committee and the OSA is provided to be organised.

The deadlines for decision-making by the commission in 2019 are set.

Decisions on defining appropriate objects and measures should be adopted and registered:

• by local commission - until 15 August;

• by oblast commission – until 1 September.

The standard for provision of living space for family-type orphanages has been changed.
The children are provided with accommodation in order of priority.

The additional expenses for the accommodation purchase, registration and payment of taxes and fees will be covered by a local self-government body.

The suggestions for using the subvention should be submitted to the oblast commission only by 15 August.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


social services


Асоціація міст України

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