78 hromadas waiting for their first elections, and 96 rayons have no AHs: MinRegion published updated monitoring of decentralisation

Data of Monitoring of power decentralisation and local self-government reform as of 12 March 2019 depict that 78 amalgamated hromadas are waiting for their first elections, including 45 AHs where the elections were not held due to the martial law. Totally, 848 amalgamated hromadas have been established in the country. Therefore, 96 rayons do not any AH.


According to the results of the Monitoring, leaders and outsiders of the oblasts ranking in making capable hromadas have not changed yet. The five leaders are the Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv, and Khmelnytskyi Oblasts. The worst situation with establishing AHs can be observed in the Vinnytsia and Zakarpattya Oblasts.


The monitoring data also show that the most dynamic indicator of the reform development is the cooperation of hromadas. During the only last month, 93 hromadas benefited from this mechanism and concluded 35 cooperation agreements among themselves. In total, 1355 hromadas are implementing 360 cooperation agreements. These hromadas jointly collect and utilize garbage, provide social and administrative services, finance education and medicine, develop culture and tourism, etc.


DOWNLOAD the Monitoring of power decentralisation and local self-government reform as of 12 March 2019




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