Ukraine managed to make significant progress in creating conditions for hromadas and regions’ development, - EU Committee of the Regions – Ukraine “synchronised decentralisation watches”

Decentralisation results of in Ukraine and the roadmap for a new reform phase until 2020 have been presented today in Brussels at the 6th meeting of the EU Committee of the Regions-Ukraine Task Force on decentralisation. The Ukrainian delegation is headed by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction,Housing and Communal Services.

The European Union is a key partner of Ukraine in building a new, effective system of local self-government, empowered with resources and high level of responsibility. The head of the Ukrainian delegation noted that the first stage of the reform, 2014-2018, confirmed that the chosen path was current. It was especially emphasised that Ukraine had managed to make significant progress in creating conditions for hromadas and regions’ development.

“We appreciate the support of our European partners. Their experience and expert advice help us move faster than other countries along the decentralisation path. Now, as our partners point out, Ukrainian experience is an example to follow as well,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

According to him, the main factor for the effectiveness of the reform is the support by the Ukrainian society of the Government's actions in building a new system of local governance.

“It would be wrong to carry out the reform, not relying on the opinion of the Ukrainian people. Every year we check how people evaluate and support changes. According to the results of the fourth wave of sociological research, conducted by us last year with the support of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Territorial Consolidation in Ukraine”, 58% of the population, compared to 19% in 2015, believe that the local self-government reform is needed. 61% of AH residents report improvement of the quality of services in their settlements. 80% of Ukrainians are aware of the local self-government reform. Such high level of public support holds us liable. And over the next two years, we have to fulfill many more tasks to complete decentralisation,” noted the First Deputy Minister.

He also presented a detailed action plan of Ukraine in the context of the new phase of decentralisation, planned by the Government for the next two years.

13.02.2019 - 15:45 | Views: 9224
Ukraine managed to make significant progress in creating conditions for hromadas and regions’ development, - EU Committee of the Regions – Ukraine “synchronised decentralisation watches”

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