24 November 2024
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Vitalii Bezghin
Vitalii Bezghin

Народний депутат України 9-го скликання, голова підкомітету з питань адміністративно-територіального устрою Комітету Верховної Ради України з питань організації державної влади, місцевого самоврядування, регіонального розвитку та містобудування

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The MinRegion has debunked myths on depriving hromadas of resources and deterioration in services quality due to the new administrative and territorial arrangement The MinRegion has debunked myths on depriving hromadas of resources and deterioration in services quality due to the new administrative and territorial arrangement
Who are the new rayons for? Myths and reality of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine Who are the new rayons for? Myths and reality of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine
A new administrative and territorial arrangement: abstracts of the open discussion A new administrative and territorial arrangement: abstracts of the open discussion
Perspectives of forming a new administrative and territorial arrangement highlighted in the «U-LEAD: Bringing Services Forward» talk-show Perspectives of forming a new administrative and territorial arrangement highlighted in the «U-LEAD: Bringing Services Forward» talk-show
The resolution on rayons formation and liquidation is ready for the Verkhovna Rada to consider The resolution on rayons formation and liquidation is ready for the Verkhovna Rada to consider
«A new rayon division won’t affect hromada residents’ life». Vitalii Bezghin’s interview «A new rayon division won’t affect hromada residents’ life». Vitalii Bezghin’s interview
New rayons in Ukraine: facts, causes and clarifications New rayons in Ukraine: facts, causes and clarifications
The parliament has to vote for the list and structure of new rayons by the middle of July The parliament has to vote for the list and structure of new rayons by the middle of July
Online-press-conference «New Rayons in Ukraine: from Quantity to Efficiency» Online-press-conference «New Rayons in Ukraine: from Quantity to Efficiency»
How to complete two reforms and launch an efficient local self-government system How to complete two reforms and launch an efficient local self-government system
Decentralisation in answers: What do the regions ask about? Decentralisation in answers: What do the regions ask about?
All the messaging about «destroying» or «tearing into pieces» the Bolgrad district is nothing but manipulation, - Vitalii Bezghin All the messaging about «destroying» or «tearing into pieces» the Bolgrad district is nothing but manipulation, - Vitalii Bezghin
8 hotspots of the reform. What was told by Vyacheslav Nehoda and Vitalii Bezghin at the press conference 8 hotspots of the reform. What was told by Vyacheslav Nehoda and Vitalii Bezghin at the press conference
Most deputies are ready to support the decentralization completion, understanding that it is a necessary and irreversible process, - Vitalii Bezghin Most deputies are ready to support the decentralization completion, understanding that it is a necessary and irreversible process, - Vitalii Bezghin
Announcement: May, 19: the Local Self-Government and Territorial Power Arrangement: the Reform “Geolocation” press-conference Announcement: May, 19: the Local Self-Government and Territorial Power Arrangement: the Reform “Geolocation” press-conference