18 March 2025
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Центри безпеки в громадах: Верховна Рада ухвалила проєкт Закону в першому читанні

Центри безпеки в громадах: Верховна Рада ухвалила проєкт Закону в першому читанні
First in Chernivtsi Oblast citizens’ safety centre opened in Mamayivska AH First in Chernivtsi Oblast citizens’ safety centre opened in Mamayivska AH
Two more Safety Centres opened in Donetsk Oblast Two more Safety Centres opened in Donetsk Oblast
First Safety Centre opened in Rivne Oblast First Safety Centre opened in Rivne Oblast
Avanhardivska AH started Safety Centre construction Avanhardivska AH started Safety Centre construction
Situational Safety Centre was opened in Severynivska AH Situational Safety Centre was opened in Severynivska AH
AHs of Odesa Oblast are establishing public security centres AHs of Odesa Oblast are establishing public security centres
Donetsk Oblast shared its experience of Safety Centres’ operation Donetsk Oblast shared its experience of Safety Centres’ operation
Story on how decentralisation has changed poor village Story on how decentralisation has changed poor village
AHs are authorised to create civil protection units AHs are authorised to create civil protection units
Competition for AHs to improve their level of protection against emergencies presented in Zaporizhzhia Competition for AHs to improve their level of protection against emergencies presented in Zaporizhzhia
Citizens’ Safety Centre opened in Siverska AH Citizens’ Safety Centre opened in Siverska AH
Hennadii Zubko opened two Safety Centres in AH of Donetsk Oblast Hennadii Zubko opened two Safety Centres in AH of Donetsk Oblast
Safety Centre of Svyatovasylivska hromada opened in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (VIDEO) Safety Centre of Svyatovasylivska hromada opened in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (VIDEO)
First Citizens Safety Centre in oblast started working in Slobozhanska AH First Citizens Safety Centre in oblast started working in Slobozhanska AH