Hennadii Zubko opened two Safety Centres in AH of Donetsk Oblast
Ensuring safety of citizens is a key function of the state. Therefore, a safety service is the first and the most important for citizens, and we must ensure that it is provided in a high quality way at the hromada level, especially in the front-line Donetsk Oblast, where the risks of emergencies are much higher than anywhere else. This opportunity is implemented today due to the joint project of the State Emergency Service, MinRegion and Donetsk Oblast Military and Civil Administration in the frames of decentralisation, emphasised the Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services at the opening of two citizens’ Safety Centres in Illinivska and Mykolayivska AHs in the framework of his working visit to Kramatorsk. Mykola Chechotkin, head of the SES of Ukraine, and Pavlo Zhebrivskyi, head of the Donetsk Oblast Military and Civil Administration, took part in the opening of the Safety Centres.
Hennadii Zubko stressed that the Safety Centres were funded from the oblast budget and budgets of amalgamated hromadas: “Within the framework of decentralisation, we delegated the powers to the hromadas and transfered the resources. In addition, MinRegion along with the State Emergency Service have developed Recommendations on the establishment of Safety Centres to assist hromadas. The same Recommendations have been developed for the establishment of Administrative Service Centres, New Educational Space and outpatient clinics. Today we see the embodiment of the reform – functional Safety Centres with a fire station as well as personnel of the respective police department. This approach allows to react to the situation more quickly providing a 20-minute reach to the emergency site. This is an investment in hromada’s safety, and thus saved human lives and property.”
The Donetsk Oblast State Administration allocated UAH 7 million from its budget to establish the citizens’ Safety Centre of the Mykolayivska AH. The centre is located in the premises of the 8th state fire-rescue unit of the 6th fire and rescue detachment of the Chief Directorate of the SES of Ukraine in the Donetsk Oblast. Besides, a joint location of the Slovyansk police department of the Chief Directorate of National Police in the Donetsk Oblast is envisaged there.
In addition, UAH 60 thousand were allocated from the budget of the Mykolayivska AH for the purchase of winter uniform clothes. At the expense of the SES of Ukraine, a new fire truck of increased passability on the basis of MAZ AC-4-60 (530905) -515 M chassis, costing almost UAH 4.6 million, was purchased.
UAH 7 million were allocated from the oblast budget for the establishment of the citizens' Safety Centre in the Illinska AH. A fire truck of increased passability AC-40 (4310) -190 on the conversion chassis KAMAZ-4310 was purchased. In addition, the Centre was provided with purchased furniture, equipment, communication facilities and computer equipment. Besides, UAH 500 000 were allocated from the budget of the Illinivska AH for the improvement of the adjoining territory. A joint location of the police department personnel in the building is previewed. The citizens’ Safety Centre of the Illinska AH will serve over 11,000 citizens.

H.Zubko State Emergency Service (SES) safety Safety Centres
Донецька областьГромади:
Іллінівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Миколаївська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Іллінівська територіальна громада Миколаївська територіальна громадаSource:
Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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