Citizens’ Safety Centre opened in Siverska AH

A solemn opening of the Citizens' Safety Centre was held in the Siverska AH. This is the sixth Centre in the Donetsk Oblast.

Almost UAH 7 million were allocated from the oblast budget for the reconstruction of the building of the former fire department in order to locate the Safety Centre. The funds were also spent on installation of autonomous heating, purchase of furniture, computers, communications media and special equipment.

From now on, the Centre will have everything necessary for the effective work and leisure of rescuers, ambulance doctors and policemen.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.03.2018 - 13:13 | Views: 18580

Attached images:


State Emergency Service (SES) safety Safety Centres


Донецька область


Сіверська територіальна громада


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