First Safety Centre opened in Rivne Oblast

The first modern Safety Centre was opened in the village of Bila Krynytsia of the Rivne Oblast on 21 December.

It consists of a fire and rescue team, employees of the National Police, and a paramedic station from the new year. The Centre's premises are new and modern with quality renovation of the garage for special firefighting, police and medical equipment, as well as the classroom and amenity space to exercise official duties and rest. The Centre also has a separate children's room.

The citizens' Safety Centre will serve the rural hromada with more than five thousand people. In addition, it is located near the Kyiv-Chop highway of international significance. Such compact location of operations services will allow to quickly and effectively protect the population and hromada’s territory, will significantly reduce maintenance expenses of hromadas.

This practice has long existed in the United States, Canada, Germany and other European countries. This is the ability and capacity of the hromada to fully protect the lives of its residents.


safety Safety Centres


Рівненська область


Білокриницька територіальна громада


ГУ ДСНС України у Рівненській області

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