Two more Safety Centres opened in Donetsk Oblast

Safety Centres started their work in the city of Bilozerske and urban-type settlement of Novodonetske of the Dobropillya Rayon.

Safety Centers are built at the expense of the oblast budget, construction and equipment cost UAH 9 million each.

According to the oblast administration of the SES of Ukraine, each Safety Centre will employ 17 people. The Safety Centre in Bilozerske will serve seven settlements with a population of almost 16.5 thousand people. The one in Novodonetske will operate for 20 settlements with a population of almost 11.2 thousand residents.

In total, 9 Safety Centres have been opened so far in the Donetsk Oblast, including on the collision line. The centres are being opened in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Donetsk Oblast State Administration and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

28.03.2019 - 15:19 | Views: 9732

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safety Safety Centres


Донецька область


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