16 September 2024
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Revival of Ukrainian businesses during the war: analytics for 2 months Revival of Ukrainian businesses during the war: analytics for 2 months
February, 24: webinar “Strategies of cooperation between municipalities and businesses, based on the local economy data” February, 24: webinar “Strategies of cooperation between municipalities and businesses, based on the local economy data”
The Government has specified the list of settlements where one can refrain from using payment transaction recorders The Government has specified the list of settlements where one can refrain from using payment transaction recorders
8 Pre-Carpathian municipalities will realize projects jointly, based on the agreement on cooperation 8 Pre-Carpathian municipalities will realize projects jointly, based on the agreement on cooperation
Tons of berries are exported. How a Volyn municipality has turned unkempt lands into a berry cluster Tons of berries are exported. How a Volyn municipality has turned unkempt lands into a berry cluster
How a municipality has turned its unkempt lands into a berry cluster to export its produce abroad How a municipality has turned its unkempt lands into a berry cluster to export its produce abroad
24 municipalities will receive expert support for business development!

24 municipalities will receive expert support for business development!
The Trostyanets municipality has developed an investment passport and a site for business within the U-LEAD project The Trostyanets municipality has developed an investment passport and a site for business within the U-LEAD project
Спроможність громад: бюджети, проекти розвитку, інвестиції, робочі місця, податки - чотирнадцятий випуск другого сезону проекту "Громада" Спроможність громад: бюджети, проекти розвитку, інвестиції, робочі місця, податки - чотирнадцятий випуск другого сезону проекту "Громада"
A guidebook for municipalities. Financial support provided by local self-government, aimed at local business development and entrepreneurship facilitation A guidebook for municipalities. Financial support provided by local self-government, aimed at local business development and entrepreneurship facilitation
«When business in a municipality has been given the green light, it is quickly known to all investors». An interview of the Novomyrhorod municipality head «When business in a municipality has been given the green light, it is quickly known to all investors». An interview of the Novomyrhorod municipality head
Municipality and business: why the cooperation is mutually beneficial – quotations of the participants of On the Road to Lugano: Decentralisation Conference Municipality and business: why the cooperation is mutually beneficial – quotations of the participants of On the Road to Lugano: Decentralisation Conference
Agriculture in municipalities: grants, challenges, perspectives – the second season of the Municipality project is on air for the fifth time Agriculture in municipalities: grants, challenges, perspectives – the second season of the Municipality project is on air for the fifth time
Livestock farming development: a project of the Sosnytsya municipality Livestock farming development: a project of the Sosnytsya municipality
School buses: how farmers and entrepreneurs help the Ichnya municipality School buses: how farmers and entrepreneurs help the Ichnya municipality