28 September 2024
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December, 14 – online-training «A municipality budget programme: what and how should be prepared?» December, 14 – online-training «A municipality budget programme: what and how should be prepared?»
The first Forum of municipality financial experts: almost UAH 132 billion – the record state support for municipalities for 2022 The first Forum of municipality financial experts: almost UAH 132 billion – the record state support for municipalities for 2022
How the state facilitates municipality development – Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments How the state facilitates municipality development – Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments
Наступного року прогнозований обсяг місцевих бюджетів збільшиться на понад 87 млрд грн, у порівнянні з 2021, - Олексій Чернишов Наступного року прогнозований обсяг місцевих бюджетів збільшиться на понад 87 млрд грн, у порівнянні з 2021, - Олексій Чернишов
Спроможність громад: бюджети, проекти розвитку, інвестиції, робочі місця, податки - чотирнадцятий випуск другого сезону проекту "Громада" Спроможність громад: бюджети, проекти розвитку, інвестиції, робочі місця, податки - чотирнадцятий випуск другого сезону проекту "Громада"
Bill № 5600 as an opportunity to involve additional resources in local budgets (+ infographics) Bill № 5600 as an opportunity to involve additional resources in local budgets (+ infographics)
The Verkhovna Rada has adopted 2022 State Budget: what it will be like for municipalities (infographics) The Verkhovna Rada has adopted 2022 State Budget: what it will be like for municipalities (infographics)
Верховна Рада прийняла Державний бюджет 2022: яким він буде для громад (інфографіка) Верховна Рада прийняла Державний бюджет 2022: яким він буде для громад (інфографіка)
Municipality budgets: the Parliament has passed bill №5600 as a whole Municipality budgets: the Parliament has passed bill №5600 as a whole
The Rent of Municipality Property, Other Than Land Plots guidebook The Rent of Municipality Property, Other Than Land Plots guidebook
Telecommunication equipment and computers procurements for educational establishments – a webinar recording Telecommunication equipment and computers procurements for educational establishments – a webinar recording
Municipality budgets in Ukraine: a new version of the information and analytical dashboard has been publicized Municipality budgets in Ukraine: a new version of the information and analytical dashboard has been publicized
How to prepare and analyze 2021 budget programme passports – a webinar recording How to prepare and analyze 2021 budget programme passports – a webinar recording
A new methodology of normative monetary evaluation: one in lieu of three ones A new methodology of normative monetary evaluation: one in lieu of three ones
On November, 17 managers will be told about 2021 budget programme passports On November, 17 managers will be told about 2021 budget programme passports