28 September 2024
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Local self-government bodies can get records of all tax payers’ income sources, - the State Taxation Service Local self-government bodies can get records of all tax payers’ income sources, - the State Taxation Service
Ukraine Restoration Programme: over UAH 1,17 billion has been allotted for infrastructure projects in nine oblasts Ukraine Restoration Programme: over UAH 1,17 billion has been allotted for infrastructure projects in nine oblasts
The government has defined the procedure for allotting subventions to rayon councils for 2022 The government has defined the procedure for allotting subventions to rayon councils for 2022
How municipalities administer their funds: results of the monitoring by the DOBRE Programme How municipalities administer their funds: results of the monitoring by the DOBRE Programme
For the decentralization years local budgets have grown more than sixfold, - Vyacheslav Nehoda For the decentralization years local budgets have grown more than sixfold, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
January, 18 – 25 municipalities’ financial management assessment presentation January, 18 – 25 municipalities’ financial management assessment presentation
This year a state priority is municipal infrastructure development, - Oleksiy Chernyshov This year a state priority is municipal infrastructure development, - Oleksiy Chernyshov
School meals reform: how municipalities can get funds to redesign food units School meals reform: how municipalities can get funds to redesign food units
The UAH 22,03 billion subvention has gotten to municipality accounts to compensate the differential, – Oleksiy Chernyshov The UAH 22,03 billion subvention has gotten to municipality accounts to compensate the differential, – Oleksiy Chernyshov
Where Ukrainians live, work and pay taxes – U-LEAD and SKL International survey results Where Ukrainians live, work and pay taxes – U-LEAD and SKL International survey results
Lutsk takes up the slack of discussing novelties of the taxation and budget legislation Lutsk takes up the slack of discussing novelties of the taxation and budget legislation
2021-2022 taxation and budget legislation – a few important figures 2021-2022 taxation and budget legislation – a few important figures
Novelties of the taxation and budget legislation – discussion theses Novelties of the taxation and budget legislation – discussion theses
Where Ukrainians live, work and pay taxes. December, 15 – presentation of U-LEAD research outcomes Where Ukrainians live, work and pay taxes. December, 15 – presentation of U-LEAD research outcomes
In 2022 municipalities will get the record support from the state to develop infrastructure, — Oleksiy Chernyshov In 2022 municipalities will get the record support from the state to develop infrastructure, — Oleksiy Chernyshov