Lviv Oblast’s hromadas in 2018 are large and capable, - Halyna Hrechyn

The potential of five newly formed amalgamated hromadas of the Lviv Oblast and the current situation in 35 existing AHs were discussed on 23 October at the press conference “35 + 5 = 40 AHs in the Lviv Oblast. Development Potential” in the Lviv LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

Halyna Hrechyn, Director of the Lviv LGDC, noted that hromadas, where the elections will be held at the end of 2018, are large and capable, since the Radekhivska urban AH united 17,8 thousand residents, Bibrska AH – 13,9 thousand, and Zymnovodivska – 11 thousand residents.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

24.10.2018 - 17:35 | Views: 12460
Lviv Oblast’s hromadas in 2018 are large and capable, - Halyna Hrechyn

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amalgamation of hromadas


Львівська область


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