UNANIMOUSLY! Zhytomyr formed an AH

The deputies of the Zhytomyr City Council voted for the formation of the Zhytomyrska urban amalgamated hromada. This decision was supported by all deputies present at the fortieth session of the Zhytomyr City Council.

“This decision provides Zhytomir and Veresy with new opportunities, that we should jointly use for our hromada to grow. Both sides will get amalgamation benefits, s the village will receive the urban level of services, and Zhytomyr will have a space for growth,” said Serhiy Sukhomlyn, Zhytomyr city mayor.

The process of AH formation around the oblast centre has begun in the spring of this year. The Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine, provided advisory support to amalgamation participants.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.09.2018 - 13:53 | Views: 14245
UNANIMOUSLY! Zhytomyr formed an AH

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amalgamation of hromadas accession


Житомирська область


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