Cherkasy LGDC has issued rating of its most prosperous hromadas

The Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre (established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion) has analysed the financial indicators of 75 hromadas according to draft amendments to the Perspective Plan for the Formation of Hromadas' territories in the Cherkasy Oblast.

- After the formation of AHs, the revenues of town, settlement and village hromadas in the Cherkasy Oblast increased 2.6-fold on the average, - says Mykola Hulko, Local Finances Adviser of the Cherkasy LGDC. – This is due to the transfer of additional revenues which are currently controlled by the rayon level. They include 60% of revenues from the income tax, education and healthcare subsidies, basic subsidy and others. We have prepared the total rating of the most prosperous potential hromadas in our oblast with a breakdown per capita in case if these hromadas receive additional resources. We have also prepared the rating of the most prosperous hromadas per capita by sub-groups: town, settlement, village with up to 5,000 residents, villages with 5,0000 to 10,000 residents, villages with 10,000 residents and more.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



amalgamation of hromadas


Черкаська область


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