Decentralisation gives Ukrainian villages tools for development, - Maksym Martynyuk in final of “Amazing Villages of Ukraine”

On 3 September, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy hosted the award ceremony for the winners and finalists of the IIIrd All-Ukrainian contest “Amazing Villages of Ukraine 2018”.

“The Government has an important challenge – it has to reduce the disparity between the living conditions in rural areas and successes of the agrarian business on their territory. We are striving to achieve the quality of life in Ukrainian villages which would be equal to business opportunities in the agrarian sector”, said Maksym Martynyuk, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

He pointed out that the Government of Ukraine is implementing a number of measures aimed to make hromadas more prosperous. One of the steps being made in this direction is the transfer of agricultural land into the property of amalgamated hromadas.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

04.09.2018 - 15:56 | Views: 6859
Decentralisation gives Ukrainian villages tools for development, - Maksym Martynyuk in final of “Amazing Villages of Ukraine”


Прес-служба Мінагрополітики

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