Participation of starosta in implementation of local initiatives

Contributor: Оleksandr Vrublevsky, expert and advisor of the DESPRO project for the work of starostas and cooperation of hromadas

Residents of villages, settlements and towns can submit to the local council any local initiatives on any issues which belong to the responsibilities of local self-government. The procedure for the submission of local initiatives to the local council can be determined by the representative body of local self-government or by the charter of the hromada (article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”).

Representative local self-government body – elected body (council) consisting of deputies which is entitled to represent the interests of a hromada and adopt decisions on its behalf.

Apart from the charter of a hromada, the procedure for the submission of local initiative can be regulated by the procedure on the use of the hromada members’ right to raise local initiatives.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



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